Mike Vogler, President (KA9GDW)

Dubois County Repeaters:        147.195 MHz (FM)        444.675 MHz (FM/C4FM) 

Serving the amateur radio community in Dubois and surrounding Indiana Counties by fostering, educating, and developing amateur radio.   By further developing our communications skills and capabilities we enhance our enjoyment and understanding of what amateur radio has to offer.

Southwest Indiana WIRES-X Repeaters


443.225+ Washington (KC9ZAR)       145.250- Lynnville (W9OG)       146.835+ Evansville (W9KXP)
       444.050+ Mitchell (N9UMJ)                147.345+ N9UMJ (Huron)


WIRES (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) is an amateur radio Internet communication system.  WIRES-X local nodes (stations connected to the Internet) provide access to this system supporting world-wide amateur radio communications.

Access Methods

  • Many Yaesu System Fusion radios can connect to WIRES-X via an internet connected laptop (with interface cable).  This includes the FT-2D, FT-3D, FT-5D,  FTM-100, FTM-300, and FTM-400
  • Amateur Radio Hot-Spots allow WIRES-X access by your home station or HT through your WiFi.
  • WIRES-X Repeaters allow direct access.

WIRES-X via Repeater

Involves using a WIRES-X repeater to access the WIRES network.

WIRES-X via Laptop

Involves connecting your System Fusion Radio to an internet connected laptop which has WIRES-X software installed.